Confidentiality Statement
The EOC Program Staff and tutors are here to help you be successful at earning your GED or diploma, or enrolling in college. While we pride ourselves on being an active and cooperative learning community, we also understand the importance of protecting the confidentiality of the academic and personal information you share with us.
This statement is to notify all EOC participants that academic and personal confidentiality can be breeched when GSCC policy mandates that security, administrators or staff be notified. In order to maintain a productive and safe environment for everyone, please read and sign the Student Code of Discipline standards related to mandatory staff reporting.
Student Code of Conduct (Actions requiring mandatory reporting):
1. Destruction, damage, theft or misuse of College public or private property
2. Being in possession of or under the influence of alcoholic beverages or non-prescribed, controlled drugs on College property or at a student or College-sponsored function
3. Disruptive or disorderly conduct that interferes with or threatens the health and/or safety of the College community or adversely affects the educational environment of the College including physical or verbal abuse, threat of violence, intimidation, and physical or mental harassment