Oneida CountyUPWARD BOUND PROGRAMMohawk Valley Community College
1101 Sherman Drive, Academic Bldg, Room #130, Utica, NY 13501Phone(s): 315-731-5827 or 315-731-5836 Fax: 315-731-5891Sponsored by U.S. Department of Education and Mohawk Valley Community College
To the applicant: It is essential that the entire application be completed before it is returned. An incomplete application will not be processed.
SS # needed upon acceptance
We, parent and student, authorize the Upward Bound Program at Mohawk Valley Community College to receive copies of the above named student’s academic records. Records include: transcripts, test scores, and attendance records from Proctor High School or post-secondary institution that the student is currently attending or will attend. We understand that these records are confidential, and required for academic assessment and tracking student’s success.
In order to be considered a participant in the Upward Bound Program, the student’s parent/guardian must meet U.S. Department of Education income guidelines.
Student/Parent Commitment & Penalties for Misrepresentation:
MVCC’s Upward Bound Program requires students to attend weekly tutoring Monday through Thursday, academic classes on designated Saturday’s, and a six week Summer College on the MVCC campus. Students are also expected to attend cultural events and participate in community service as part of their participation in the program. Additionally, an acceptable record of attendance and behavior in Upward Bound and Proctor High School, as well as a GPA that reflects good academic standing, are program requirements. Failure to meet these program rules and requirements can exclude students from field trips, social events, and may result in dismissal from the program. Program rules and regulations are in our student handbook, which is given to all new students and is available in our office.
I also certify that all the above information is true, correct and current. I understand that this information is given in receipt of federal funds; that Upward Bound and TRIO program officials may verify the information on this application form and that deliberate misrepresentation of information may subject me to prosecution under State and Federal Laws.
The personal information provided to Upward Bound is sent to the United States Department of Education and is protected by the Privacy Act. No one may see the information unless they work with or for the Upward Bound Program, or are specifically authorized to see the information. This information is necessary to determine if you are eligible to participate in the program and helps the government to measure your success. The United States Department of Education has the authority to gather information to help make Upward Bound a better program (20USC1231a).
The Upward Bound Program at Mohawk Valley Community College is funded by the United States Department of Education and Mohawk Valley Community College. Participation is available to eligible students without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex or handicap. Any person who believes that he or she has been discriminated against in any related activity should write to the Secretary of Education, Washington, D.C. 20250.
This consent form authorizes your son/daughter to be given medical treatment and fully participate in all events/activities that Upward Bound provides. Please initial the areas of consent that you are in full agreement with. Please return this form to the Upward Bound Staff.
All information received will be held in strict confidence. This information is necessary to insure that the applicant meets the criteria for admission as established by the U.S. Department of Education.