- I understand that if I am receiving financial aid, TRiO SSS staff will obtain my financial information. If I am not receiving financial aid, I will provide a copy of my most recent tax return.
- I understand that I will have access to the TRiO SSS program at no additional cost beyond my regular tuition and fees as an EOSC student.
- I understand that the TRiO SSS staff may confer with my instructors at any time concerning my progress and grades.
- I understand that the TRiO SSS staff are not licensed counselors and students with ongoing personal issues will be referred to professional counselors.
- I understand that I must participate in the TRiO SSS activities that my SSS advisor assigns to me based upon my needs assessment and by full filling this requirement, I will be eligible to apply for the SSS grant aid scholarship.
Affidavit of Truth Statement
The information provided on this form is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and true.