Dear Parent/Guardian:
Upward Bound is a Federal program funded by the Department of Education and specifically designed for students 1) whose parents’ or guardians’ income is defined as low by federal standards and/or 2) neither parent nor guardian have completed a four-year college degree. If your child meets these requirements, we welcome his/her application for this program.
The University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana’s Upward Bound Program serves students each year from the Hope High School, Arkansas High School, and Fouke High School. The program is designed to prepare high school students for general post-secondary education programs. Before filling out the application, please take time to read this letter and understand the contents in order to decide if this program will benefit your child. Students must participate in the academic year program and a six-week summer program, both of which are held on UAHT’s campus.
The Academic Year Program consists of Saturday School held once per month where students attend academic classes on UAHT’s campus taught by certified high school (active or retired) or college instructors. Classes include current high school academic subjects as well as ACT preparation and testing. Students who participate in the academic year program will receive a stipend for each Saturday session they attend. Each Saturday meeting, students will sign in and the next Saturday School meeting day their stipend will be issued. The last stipend will be mailed.
In the summer program, participants attend pre-college classes on UAHT’s campus for a six-week period. Some career, academic or cultural field trips may be scheduled during this time. Seniors will participate in a bridge program and take up to six (6) credit hours of college classes at UAHT. Tuition, fees, and books for the bridge participants will be paid for by the Upward Bound program. Students earn points throughout the year towards an end-of-the-year Summer Trip based on their behavior, participation, and grades. They also earn a summer stipend.
If your child is interested in applying for this program, please read and follow these instructions carefully:
Application Process
STEP 1: Completion of this application packet will help us to determine participant eligibility, but it does not guarantee that your child will be accepted into the program. Eligibility is based on the following items:
- Plan to attend amd complete college after highschool.
- Attend Hope High School, Arkansas High School, or Fouke High School and must have completed the eighth grade.
- Cumulative GPA 2.5 or above is recommended, but each student is considered individually.
- Come from families that are considered by the federal government guidelines to be low income and/or first generation.
Once the program reaches its target numbers, the program will be closed for the year and additional applications will be kept on file. Please make sure all the forms are completely filled in with the appropriate documents attached. If you need any assistance, feel free to contact our office.
STEP 2: Participants and parents will be required to attend a meeting with the program staff and sign the Participation Agreement. A list of program dates and activities will be given at this meeting.
Application Checklist
The following information must be turned in to our office for consideration for admission to the program. Make sure all blanks are filled. Write “N/A” in fields that are not applicable. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Use black or blue ink.
- Completed Application Packet
- Teacher Recommendations
- Counselor Recommendation
- High School Transcript
- Immunization Record
- Medical Insurance Card