(Striving Towards Academic Retention)
As partners in reaching your educational goals, we need to reach a common understanding what you can expect from TRiO Student Support Services (SSS) and what we expect from you.
As a TRiO SSS Program Participant,I am expected to do the following:
- Attend the following activities:
o Three Academic Advising/Course Selection Sessions Per Academic Year
o Two SSS Sponsored Workshops or Seminar Per Semester Term
o One Financial Aid Counseling Sessions Per Academic Year
o One Cultural Even Per Academic Year
o One College Tour Per Academic Year
o One 4-year University Transfer Assistance Session Per Academic Year
- Set and reach my academic goals
- Attend tutoring sessions regularly; especially if you have sigred up for tutoring
- Attend class regularly, take notes, and keep up with class assignments
- Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (GPA:2.0, Course Completion Rate:67%)
- Inform SSS staffon any changes in my address or telephone number
- Consult with SSS staffprior to withdrawing from a course
- Graduate and transfer to a four-year university within four years
As a TRiO SSS Program Participant you can expect the staff to do the following:
- Help you develop realistic, attainable academic goals
- Monitor your academic progress/needs and provide guidance and recommendations
- Provide academic advising to assist with course selection
- Provide 4-year university tansfer assistance sessions
- Provide learning skills development and academic support as needed and available
- Provide referrals to other areas for assistance as needed
- Maintain stict confidentiality of all personal information
- Be very passionate about your SUCCESS
- Provide services in a courteous and considerate manner