Release of Student’s Records, Information and
Permission to Photograph/Video Student
Privacy Act
In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, I understand that all information concerning my child and me is confidential and will not be revealed to anyone except Educational Talent Search Program Personnel.
I, {parentName95} Parent/Legal Guardian of ,(Please Print) (Please Print) authorize the Superintendent of Schools or her/his Designee(s) to release all records listed below to the following Agency and its Designee(s):
Attendance Data
Psychological Education Reports Testing Data
Health Records
Grade Transcripts/Progress Reports Special Education Placement Data Student Clearinghouse
Social Security Numbers
University of Georgia TRIO Educational Talent Search 243 Milledge Hall Athens, Georgia 30602-1550
(706) 542-7640 (Telephone)
(706) 583-8246 (Fax)
Student Schedules
I further authorize the release of all information regarding my child’s educational, physical and social adjustments in school, as long as s/he participates in the Educational Talent Search Program.
I also understand that prior to transfer, I may review and have all/any part of these records properly interpreted by making such request of the Principal or appropriate Board of Education Personnel.