The information requested on this form will be utilized to assist us in providing services for your child. To provide the most effective services, we may need to obtain information from several sources, such as high schools, colleges, testing agencies, counselors, admissions and financial aid offices, social workers, etc. ALL INFORMATION RECEIVED WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT (FERPA).
School Records
As the parent and/or legal guardian of {main_name}, I grant Talent Search/21st Century Community Learning Centers Programs permission to obtain school records, transcripts, standardized test scores (EOC/EOG/SAT/ PSAT/ACT/PLAN) grade reports, test results, and financial aid transcripts from the secondary school and college my child is attending until he/she graduates from college or for 6 years after he/she graduates from high school, according to the terms of the federal Talent Search grant. I will also permit Talent Search/21st Century Community Learning Centers staff to speak with teachers, counselors, and other school administrators at my child’s school in order to obtain and exchange information as part of the services my child will receive from the Talent Search/21st Century Community Learning Centers Programs. I authorize the Programs to access or release copies of my child’s academic transcripts, test scores, college admissions enrollment, and financial aid information that are necessary to assist my son/daughter in achieving his/her educational goals.
Waiver of Liability
As parent and legal guardian of the above-mentioned student, I authorize and permit my child to participate in field trips, activities, and events offered by the Talent Search/21st Century Community Learning Centers Programs. I understand that my child may be leaving his/her school campus or Fayetteville State University and may be transported by the Talent Search/21st CCLC staff of Fayetteville State University. I agree that Fayetteville State University, Talent Search, 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program, Cumberland, Hoke and Robeson Counties and anyone associated with Fayetteville State University will not be held liable for any loss, injury, or death related to any field trips, or events. Further, I agree to hold Fayetteville State University, Talent Search, 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program, Advisory Committee members, officers, staff, and volunteers, the Cumberland, Hoke and Robeson County School systems harmless from any claims whatsoever occasioned in any of the situations that I have agreed, that Talent Search/21st Century Community Learning Centers Program at Fayetteville State University shall not be held liable.
In the event that my child, {main_name} is involved in a medical emergency, I authorize the Talent Search/21st Century Community Learning Centers Program staff to make decisions regarding immediate medical attention (hospitalization, administration of prescribed medications, doctor treatment, etc.) if they are unable to contact me for verbal authorization.