This code of conduct is designed to clarify what behaviors are not acceptable in the Creighton EOC Program. Failure to follow and abide by the Creighton EOC Code of Conduct may cause the participant to be suspended from receiving services and/or permanently banned from the EOC program.
Respect and promote the dignity of all persons. This principle empowers the individual to respect others who are of different cultures, ethnicities, backgrounds, etc. The use of inappropriate language and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Examples of inappropriate language are explicit or offensive sexual references, name calling or taunting, demeaning comments, or disparaging remarks. Disruptive behavior can be defined as behavior that bothers, offends, harms, or otherwise disrupts the learning process.
Respect the policies and procedures of the EOC/Creighton University community and the rights of its members both on and off campus. This principle empowers the individual to learn and feel safe in the educational setting. All weapons are forbidden in the EOC facility. Possession, use, or sale of drugs, alcoholic beverages or controlled substances is forbidden on the CU campus. A participant is considered to be under the influence when there is impairment to his/her ability to think and act appropriately. Theft in any EOC facility will not be tolerated. Students are to respect other’s property. Creighton Public Safety may be called at any time.
Support the personal, professional, academic, and vocational development of the members of the EOC/Creighton University Community. This principle empowers the individual to practice compassion and consider the needs and well being of others, to encourage the development of students’ moral, intellectual, emotional, personal, and vocational abilities. Meetings with EOC staff members to discuss educational plans are required for program participation. To show respect for yourself and others, be mindful when dressing for class.
The computers in the EOC lab are to be used for educational purposes only, for example, research for academic papers, Plato, typing academic papers, etc... No outside programs may be used without permission. Inappropriate use of the computers in the lab may result in immediate dismissal from the EOC program.
Certification Statement/Information Release:
I hereby certify that this information is correct to the best of my knowledge. With my signature, I am granting all EOC personnel access to the information contained on this form for the purposes of program recording, tracking, and reporting as required by the U.S. Department of Education. I allow EOC personnel to conduct research pertaining to my educational outcomes and authorize permission to release, request, and receive copies of academic, financial and other confidential information as needed to assist with my education planning.