To be signed by participant and if under 18, parent or Legal Guardian
- I certify that the above information is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. The Educational Opportunity Center Staff has my permission to receive copies of educational records (official school transcript with test scores, test results: SAT, ACT, etc., basic skills test results, student history file/academic report with test scores, and enrollment information from the National Student Clearinghouse). Permission is also given to post-secondary institutions (universities, colleges, proprietary schools), technical school and/or other educational or other agencies to release to Educational Opportunity Center at Northeastern State University any information or documentation for educational tracking purposes related to the student’s: admissions, enrollment, financial aid, and academic (i.e. transcripts) and other materials necessary for participation in their services. I further understand that all my records will be kept in confidence and in accord with the Privacy Act of 1984. Permission is granted to send enrollment and financial aid information to Educational Opportunity Center of Northeastern State University, 600 N Grand Ave, Tahlequah, OK 74464.
- Once signed and dated, this release will be valid throughout the student’s educational career and as long as Educational Opportunity Center has need for the information. It is understood that this information will be handled in a confidential manner and will only be available to EOC program staff and representatives of Federal and State Departments of Education.
- Permission is granted to Northeastern State University and Educational Opportunity Center to use information and/or photographs about the student for use in media releases, publications, brochures, newsletters, advertisements, social media, and other promotional uses without notifying the client or legal guardian. Northeastern State University is held harmless of any liability.