Partners In Ministry Upward Bound Program Parent Application 2022-2023
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Your child has indicated an interest in the Partners In Ministry Upward Bound Program. Upward Bound is an early intervention pre-college program that helps students prepare for higher education. The Upward Bound Program provides academic support designed for participants to succeed in their preparation for college entrance and ultimately in their pursuit in post-secondary degrees after high school graduation.
What will my child do in UPWARD BOUND?
· Participate in a year-round program - students begin the program during 9th or 10th grade and participate through high school graduation.
· Maintain regular attendance in school, attend planned sessions, meet with the UPWARD BOUND Program Coordinator and/or Advisor, and attend Saturday Sessions during the academic year.
· Attend a six- week summer program designed to simulate a college-going experience to includes a variety of academic coursework in math, science and foreign language; social, career, and enrichment activities; as well as college/university road trips.
· Attend pre-college admission and financial aid workshops; and
· Participate in parent/family activities that encourages education and engagement.
In order to comply with Federal and program regulations, parents/guardians must complete the parent application and return with your child’s additional application forms (e.g. transcripts, recommendation letters, Verification Document List enclosed for your review. All completed applications will be reviewed and eligible applicants will be contacted for an interview with program staff. Please submit your taxable income verification and parent application via email at or fax, or mail to our office at:
Partner’s In Ministry
12 Third Street
Laurinburg, NC 28352
Phone: (910)277-3355 Fax: (910)277-3358
Thank you for your interest in our Upward Bound Program. Please feel free to call our office at 910-277-3355, if you have any questions or need further assistance.
Dr. Melba McCallum, Executive Director
Partners In Ministry
Enclosures (2)
Parent Application
Income Verification Document List