Please read each statement below, then sign and date.
I give permission to the Educational Opportunity Center program and staff to obtain, review, discuss and copy all records and information available through my previous schools (high school, college/university, etc.) including but not limited to academic records, financial aid records and to release information to the U.S. Department of Education and Delta College. All information obtained by the Educational Opportunity Center is completely personal and confidential and will only be used for verification of eligibility to this program.
The Educational Opportunity Center program and staff have my permission to communicate verbally, in writing, by email, or other means to share information with Delta College faculty, staff, departments, and/or off-campus professionals.
The Educational Opportunity Center program and staff have my permission to submit on an annual basis my name, date of birth, and social security number to the National Student Clearinghouse to verify enrollment and degree information
Being permitted to participate in activities and usage of equipment and facilities, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Educational Opportunity Center program and Delta College from any and all claims which are in any way connected with
such use or participation in the program.
I certify that all information provided on this intake form is true and complete.