My/Our student, {main_name}, (student’s name) has my/our permission to participate in the West Virginia Upward Bound Math/Science (UBMS) Program (September-May) and the Summer Program (June-August).
Media Release: I/We give permission for {main_name} (student’s name) picture and or video to be taken in connection with the activities of the West Virginia Upward Bound Math/Science (UBMS) Program and its agencies to be used in newspapers, television, magazine articles and talk concerning the project.
Program Research Consent: I/We give permission and consent of my minor child to participate in any Upward Bound Program and/or TRIO Program research involving surveys, questionnaires, etc. I am aware that participation is voluntary and will have no detrimental effect on my child’s participation and relationship with Upward Bound and TRIO Programs.
I/We give consent to release information necessary for UBMS to collect enrollment data that may constitute confidential information, including student transcripts, attendance, free or reduced lunch eligibility, course completions, test scores, grade point averages, college admissions, and financial aid records, postsecondary grade reports, and transcripts, activity participation reports and other information deemed necessary for the UBMS to meet program implementation and reporting requirements.
I/We give consent for UBMS staff and my child’s school representatives to discuss my child’s academic progress and general school activities for the purposes of identifying needs, coordinating services, and documenting my child’s overall scholastic progress. I and my child fully understand that UBMS will track secondary and postsecondary academic progress and admission status until they are no longer attending an institution of higher learning.