Student Expectations:
1. I will notify my TRIO/SSS Advisor of possible withdrawal or transfer to another
institution, or any change in enrollment status at Lee College BEFORE any decisions are made to ensure that all options have been discussed.
2. I will make an appointment with my TRIO/SSS Advisor or the Program Director upon notification of any probationary or disqualification (academic and/or financial) by Lee College.
3. I will notify the TRIO/SSS office of any phone, address and email changes as soon as they occur.
4. I will seek academic, financial aid and career assistance, and enroll in any skill
building courses or retention programs recommended by my TRIO/SSS Advisor.
5. If I receive tutoring, I will arrive on time and be prepared.
6. I will actively participate in the activities specified by my TRIO/SSS Advisor.
7. I will abide by the Lee College rules and regulations regarding academic honesty and student conduct.
8. I will respect all equipment and property that may be available for my use through the TRIO/SSS Program.
I understand that TRIO/SSS will have access to my academic and personal information through the Lee College integrated database system for monitoring purposes and assessment. I grant permission and authorization for my financial aid and academic records to be released from/to the Financial Aid, DSPS, EOPS, and other programs pertinent to my success at Lee College. I grant permission to TRIO/SSS to use my pictures and comments from TRIO events and activities for program publications and information. I agree to the conditions stated in this contract and that failure to comply with the above requirements and expectations will result in an academic hold being placed on my Lee College account, being placed on probation, or being dismissed from the TRIO/SSS Program.