I authorize the TRiO Student Support Services Program to gather personal information concerning my academic progress and financial aid status prior to and during my participation in SSS. No one may see this information unless he/she works with or for the SSS program or is specifically authorized to see the information.
My signature gives the SSS Program permission to access my financial, medical, and academic records at Camp Community College or any other educational institution I have attended. These records include admissions information, high school and college transcripts, financial aid applications, course schedules and grades, disability documentation, scores, and evaluations deemed necessary for completion of reports required by the Department of Education. My signature also gives SSS staff permission to consult any faculty and staff at Camp Community College regarding my academic status.
I understand my picture may be taken during various times around the office and SSS activities for the use on brochures, web pages, etc. and I give consent to SSS to use these pictures.
I certify that I have read and agree to the conditions outlined in the statement above.